void setEncoding(string encoding)
Set encoding for all operations
string getEncoding()
string absolutePath(string path)
Converts relative path to absolute
bool exists(string path)
bool isDirectory(string path)
bool isFile(string path)
list filesIn(string directory)
Get list of file names (not paths) in given directory
string fileName(string path)
Get file name (with extension)
bool createBlank(string path)
Creates blank file
bool delete(string path)
Delete file or directory (and all its contents)
bool deleteFile(string path)
bool deleteDirectory(string path)
Delete directory and all its contents
void makeReadOnly(string path)
bool mkdirs(string path)
Creates non-existent directories on given path
void writeBinary(string path, string base64Data)
Write file in binary format (base64)
string readBinary(string path)
Read file in binary format (base64)