This library is the bare bones for date and time manipulation



Represents date and/or time
timestamp contains UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
timezone contains timezone offset like this "GMT+03:00"
Supports +, -, <, >, <=, =>, == and != operators and also num() conversion
Notice! There is no now method or function, so use DateTime(millis())

_constructor(this, timestamp)
string format(this, string template)

Formats date according to given template
Letters for using in template: (is the same as Java's SimpleDateFormat)
G - Era designator
yy - Year (like 18)
yyyy - Year (like 2018)
MMMM - Month (like December)
MMM - Month (like Dec)
MM - Month (like 12)
w - Results in week in year
W - Results in week in month
D - Gives the day count in the year
d - Day of the month (like 9)
dd - Day of the month (like 09)
F - Day of the week in month
E - Day name in the week
u - Day number of week
a - AM or PM marker
H - Hour in the day (0-23)
k - Hour in the day (1-24)
K - Hour in am/pm for 12 hour format (0-11)
h - Hour in am/pm for 12 hour format (1-12)
m - Minute in the hour
s - Second in the minute
S - Millisecond in the minute
z - Timezone
Z - Timezone offset in hours (RFC pattern)
X - Timezone offset in ISO format

num getDay(this)

Gets day of month (1-31) part

num getDayOfWeek(this)

Gets day of week (0-6, starting from Monday) part

num getHour(this)

Get hour in 24-hour format (0-23) part

num getMillisecond(this)

Get millisecond (0-999) part

num getMinute(this)

Get minute (0-59) part

num getMonth(this)

Get month of year (1-12) part

num getSecond(this)

Get second (0-59) part

num getYear(this)

Get year number part

object parseDateTime(string template, string value)

Parse date AND time from a string value. Template is same as in DateTime::format
