Preprocessor is a program that transforms textual representation of program code by given rules. Preprocessing comes before lexical analysing.
Preprocessor directive is a textual representation of preprocessor rule.
Directive argument is a parameter that modifies the directive’s behaviour.
Directive consists of its name and arguments. One directive takes only one line. If you wish to use wrap your directive to next line, you should place \
backslash between lines as shown:
#:alias "HELLO" \
#:alias "OTHERHELLO" \
print("Hello") \
print("Hello again")
General form of a directive look like this:
#:directive_name argument1 argument2 argument3 ... argumentN
Directives can accept following types of arguments:
string "this is a quoted string" this_an_unquoted_string_i_cannot_use_whitespaces_here
integer 3
boolean true
code (it’s like a string, but it can contain whitespaces without necessity to quote. But code
argument can be only the last argument and there cannot be more than one of them in one directive)
Quail preprocessor defines grammar for next directives:
Name: alias
, define
Arguments: string regex
code replacement
Aliasing directive. Replaces all regex occurrences with given replacement. Regex capture groups also work. Does not replace content of strings.
Name: include
Arguments: string path
Includes all contents of given file as a plain text at the top of the file
Preprocessing consists of several steps:
Filter directive strings
Resolving string boundaries
Parsing preprocessor directives
This process is repeated until resolving gives 0 resolved directives. Then the preprocessor gives out the result.