Download Quail

Here you can get QRE and QDK downloads and see tutorial on how to install it

Installer for Windows Installer for Linux

Manual installation

Additional downloads

Download syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

How to install?

Manual installation on Windows

  1. Make sure you have at least Java 8 installed
  2. Download your chosen Quail version
  3. Place qre.jar and/or qdk.jar into some folder on your computer
  4. Create an environment variable called QUAIL_HOME and set it to that folder
  5. Place the following contents into file at C:\Windows\quail.bat
    @echo off
    if exist "%QUAIL_HOME%\jre\jdk1.8.0_402\bin\java.exe" (
        "%QUAIL_HOME%\jre\jdk1.8.0_402\bin\java.exe" -jar "%QUAIL_HOME%\qre.jar" %*
    if not exist "%QUAIL_HOME%\jre\jdk1.8.0_402\bin\java.exe" (
        java -jar "%QUAIL_HOME%\qre.jar" %*
  6. Place the following contents into file at C:\Windows\quail-qdk.bat
    @echo off
    if exist "%QUAIL_HOME%\jre\jdk1.8.0_402\bin\java.exe" (
    "%QUAIL_HOME%\jre\jdk1.8.0_402\bin\java.exe" -jar "%QUAIL_HOME%\qdk.jar" %*
    if not exist "%QUAIL_HOME%\jre\jdk1.8.0_402\bin\java.exe" (
    java -jar "%QUAIL_HOME%\qdk.jar" %*
  7. Now you can access Quail with quail and quail-qdk commands

Manual installation on Linux

  1. Make sure you have at least Java 8 installed
  2. Download your chosen Quail version
  3. Place qre.jar and/or qdk.jar into /bin/quail-jars/
  4. Place the following contents into file at /bin/quail
    java -jar /bin/quail-jars/qre.jar $@
  5. Place the following contents into file at /bin/quail-qdk
    java -jar /bin/quail-jars/qdk.jar $@
  6. Run
    sudo chmod +x /bin/quail
    sudo chmod +x /bin/quail-qdk
  7. Now you can access Quail with quail and quail-qdk commands